Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation is a term referred directly to trials and further Court-Proceedings that take place in strictly Civil Courts. When referring to Civil Litigation or a Civil Trial, Criminal Law is automatically disregarded and matters fall directly under civil Law. Please note that this Civil Law does not refer to the Civil Law System prevalent in certain European and other countries but the Civil side of the Common Law which is in place in most or all Commonwealth Countries.
Civil Law and procedure and consequently Litigation contains a very wide array of laws and procedures. For the longest time, legal practitioners have differentiated between the two main branches while stating that “Criminal Law is Criminal Law whilst the rest is all Civil Law.” The statement therefore gives a generic understanding of the vastness of the Civil Side of Law.
The Civil Law in Pakistan is primarily governed by the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 with amendments till date. This is considered to be the general procedural law for all civil proceedings. However, there are special laws which are in field and which have their own procedural mechanisms/regimen to follow or contain a hybrid of special procedures and the general procedure.
ANZ Partners Advocates|Barristers|Consultants through its Partners and Associates understands and practices within this area of law and its advocates and barristers are fully equipped to safeguard its Clients’ rights in such matters. For a nominal cost, exceptionally professional legal service and a bond to keep with the Firm for all times to come – the Firm takes pride in representing you and your best interests before any Forum of Law