Contract Drafting

More than anything, the firm is engaged by clients either private or corporational or otherwise to prepare contracts and Agreements of various natures for them. In doing so, the Firm and its specialised advocates and Barristers understand the nature, need and requirements of the Client and then prepare a tailor made contract which caters to their individual or institutional needs.
Contracts are very important for any transaction to go smoothly and without any turbulence. To achieve that level of stability, the Partners and Associates of the Firm make it their duty and responsibility to prepare contracts in collaboration with the Client, which are far-reaching and iron-clad in favour of the Clients. These contracts are extensively researched prior to their drafting, laws and case law pertaining to that particular situation are studied and consequently, impeccable contracts are prepared and shared with the Clients for their transactions to be safeguarded to the fullest extent.