District & Sessions Courts
The Subordinate Judiciary can be divided into two categories: civil courts, formed under the Civil Courts Ordinance of 1962, and criminal courts, established under the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1898. Additionally, there are additional civil and criminal courts and tribunals that were established in accordance with unique statutes. The laws that established them contained details about their authority, duties, and functions. Such special tribunals’ rulings and decisions may be challenged before the High Court or Supreme Court through revision or appeal. The justice system is financed by the provincial administrations. The provincial laws govern the terms and conditions of the judges in the civil and criminal tribunals.
But these courts are under the administrative authority of the High Court. District Judge, Additional District Judge, Senior Civil Judge, and Civil Judge Classes I, II, and III make up the civil tribunals. Similarly, the criminal courts consist of Sessions Judge, Additional Sessions Judge and Judicial Magistrate Class I, II & III. Their monetary and geographical powers are fixed by law.
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