Intellectual Property Law
In pakistan, Intellectual Property Law contains of three categories. Copyright Law, Trademark Law and Patent Law. In its generic terms, IP Law consists of laws related to the establishment and protection of intellectual creations such as inventions, designs, brands, artwork and music.
“Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) was established as an autonomous body on April 8, 2005 under the administrative control of the Cabinet Division for integrated and efficient intellectual property management in the country. On July 25, 2016, the administrative control of IPO-Pakistan was transferred from Cabinet Division to Commerce Division. The Trade Marks Registry, Copyright Office and the Patent & Design Office became part of the new Organization under a unified and integrated management system. The major functions of the Organization, inter alia, include:-
Administer and coordinate all Government systems for protection and strengthening of Intellectual Property (IP);
- Manage all IP offices in the country;
- Create awareness about IP Rights;
- Advise Federal Government on IP Policy;
Ensure effective enforcement of IP rights through designated IPR Enforcement Agencies (Police, FIA, and Pakistan Customs)”
ANZ Partners Advocates|Barristers|Consultants through its Partners and Associates understands and practices within this area of law and its advocates and barristers are fully equipped to safeguard its Clients’ rights in such matters. For a nominal cost, exceptionally professional legal service and a bond to keep with the Firm for all times to come – the Firm takes pride in representing you and your best interests before any Forum of Law