Service Law

Service Law is that denomination of the Law in Pakistan which caters to the regulations, compliances, rights and liabilities of those citizens of Pakistan who are within the mandatory services of the Nation. Matters connected thereto and ancillary matters are also governed under the same law. It extends to the whole of Pakistan and is primarily governed under the Civil Servants Act 1973 and other such statutes from time to time.
It applies to all civil servants of Pakistan. According to s.2(b) of the CSA, 1973, a Civil Servant for purposes of the Service law is a person who is a member of an All-Pakistan Service or of a civil service of the Federation including such posts which are connected with the Defence. It however does not include a person who is on deputation to the Federation from a Province, a person employed on contract or on work-charged basis etc. or a person who is defined as “Workman” or “Worker” under the Factories Act 1934 or Workmen Compensation Act, 1923.
ANZ Partners Advocates|Barristers|Consultants through its Partners and Associates understands and practices within this area of law and its advocates and barristers are fully equipped to safeguard its Clients’ rights in such matters. For a nominal cost, exceptionally professional legal service and a bond to keep with the Firm for all times to come – the Firm takes pride in representing you and your best interests before any Forum of Law